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Showing posts from October, 2017

Discourse on some Misinterpreted, Misused and Misapplied Scriptures.

Opening greeting: Grace to you and peace  from God our Father. Colossians 1:2 Opening verse:  20   First of all, understand this: no prophecy of Scripture is to be interpreted by an individual on his own;  21   for never has a prophecy come as a result of human willing — on the contrary, people moved by the Holy Ghost  spoke a message from God. 2 Peter 1.20-21 Introduction: It is my desire to attempt to shed some light on two different Bible passages here, take you on that journey as we look at them together and, hopefully, help you see scriptures as the Holy Ghost intends. These are passages that have often been misinterpreted, misused and misapplied by some. It has been hurtful to the faith of many.  Principles for reading and understanding Scriptures: 1. We need God's (Holy Ghost's) help to interpret it. Ask in prayer and you will get help; 2. Always remember, Scripture has context. It was spoken or written or delivered by a divinely appoin...