Opening Greeting May mercy, love and peace be yours in full measure. Jude 1:2 Beginning Scripture The Law was given through Moses; G race and Truth came through Jesus the Messiah. John 1:17 Purpose: There is controversy among some Christians whether believers are to still observe and keep the Old Testament (OT), even if only portions of it. As well, some groups of Christians tend not to differentiate between OT scriptures and the New Testament (NT) teachings. There is insistence on following some practices of the OT. The thought is, since it is in the Bible, they must be followed. I will attempt to, by the Grace of Jesus, address these thinking here and put forward scriptures to bring a clear answer on the issue. Examining the topic from the eyes of, 1. Jesus, 2. The Apostles, and 3. Paul, the official apostle to the gentiles, would be an effective way to deal with the subject, I believe. Discourse A. What Jesus said about the Old Testament- 17 ...
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