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Christianity and Self Defense.

Beginning Blessing:  Grace, mercy and peace   from God the Father and the Messiah Jesus, our Lord 2 Timothy 1:2 Opening Scripture:  God gave us a Spirit who produces not timidity, but power, love and self-discipline 2 Timothy 1:7 For everything there is a season,a right time for every intention under heaven — a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. Ecclesiastes 3:1,8 Introduction:   The Scripture as a whole, the Bible so to say, does not teach a doctrine of self defense. This raises the question of what Christians ought to do in situations where, clearly, they have the natural right to defend themselves. When could a Christian legitimately act in self defense and not violate conscience and the gospel? There is also the question of how can, or should, believers defend themselves? These questions do not have easy answers. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to find consensus among the people of God on questions. The po...

Decision Making for Christians.

Opening blessing Grace to you and peace  from God our Father and the Lord Jesus the Messiah. Romans 1:7 Beginning reading Then David consulted The Lord . He asked, “Should I go in pursuit of these raiders? Will I catch up with them?” And The Lord  ] answered him, “Go in pursuit, because you will overtake them and recover everyone and everything." 1 Samuel 30:8 The reason for message The Bible teaches us how to live godly lives; a life which is acceptable to God and which also is a blessing to people we affect. We see this in Mathew 22: 37-40. 37   He told him, “ ‘You are to love The Lord  your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.’ [ c ]   38   This is the greatest and most important commandment .  39   And a second is similar to it,  ‘You are to love your neighbor as yourself.’ [ d ]   40   All of the Law  and the Prophets are dependent on these two commandments .”  When i...

The Will of God and Time: Example of Joseph

Opening verse : For everything there is a season,  a right time for every intention under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Reason for Topic : For some time now, I have been feeling the urge to talk about both the "Will of God" and "Time." They are of significant importance in the life of a Christian. An understanding of the two concepts would resolve some of the hard to comprehend things, for example, why do Christians suffer, in the life of a worshipper.  The Choice of Joseph for an Example : We see the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis 37. He had a dramatic experience of the workings of God in his life. The extraordinary pain that was his lot, and the unusual salvation and elevation God gave him, would speak to some of the struggles in the lives of the believer today. An Examination of the Experiences, or Trials and Elevation, of Joseph 1. The Promise that Joseph will be King :  5 J oseph had a dream which he told his brothers, and that made them hate him a...

Should Christians Observe the Old Testament?

Opening Greeting May mercy, love and peace  be yours in full measure. Jude 1:2 Beginning Scripture The Law  was given through Moses; G race and Truth came through Jesus the Messiah. John 1:17 Purpose: There is controversy among some Christians whether believers are to still observe and keep the Old Testament (OT), even if only portions of it. As well, some groups of Christians tend not to differentiate between OT scriptures and the New Testament (NT) teachings. There is insistence on following some practices of the OT. The thought is, since it is in the Bible, they must be followed. I will attempt to, by the Grace of Jesus, address these thinking here and put forward scriptures to bring a clear answer on the issue. Examining the topic from the eyes of, 1. Jesus, 2. The Apostles, and 3. Paul, the official apostle to the gentiles, would be an effective way to deal with the subject, I believe. Discourse A. What Jesus said about the Old Testament-   17 ...