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Questions with Answers

1. Question: Can you give money to God? Answer: No. God wants something different. "I exhort you, therefore, brothers, in view of God’s mercies, to offer yourselves as a sacrifice, living and set apart for God. This will please him; it is the logical “Temple worship” for you." Romans 12.1

2. Question: Why do we keep hearing "You are cursed with a curse" from the pulpit when people are being requested  to give?  Answer: No one should be reading or citing that scripture as the verse for giving. The verse is no longer true today as we are no longer under the law. "The Law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus the Messiah." John 1.17. As well, it is not possible to curse God's people: "I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse anyone who curses you.” Genesis 12.3. 

Further, there is no compulsion in giving in the church. "Each should give according to what he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion". 2 Corinthians 9.7 "God wants your gifts to "be genuine, not something extracted by pressure". 2 Corinthians 9.5

3. Question: Some people say "tithe was before the law" and add that Abraham paid. What do you say to this? Answer: a. Abraham gave tithe of his spoils of war without being requested to give. He gave it voluntarily. b. Abraham only paid tithe once. There isn’t another instance where he paid tithe. c. Accordingly, we can say there was no commandment to pay tithe before the law. Moses instituted the command. d. Moses did also say “another prophet” would come after him, that we were to listen to that prophet in all things. e. That prophet who was to come is Jesus. He came. He never asked for tithes. There isn’t a command to pay tithe in the New Testament. f. See answer to question 23 for further clarification on this topic.

4. Question: What should happen to a person with multiple wives who comes to know Christ? Should the wives be sent away? Answer: No. "Only let each person live the life the Lord has assigned him and live it in the condition he was in when God called him. This is the rule I lay down in all the congregations.  Was someone already circumcised when he was called? Then he should not try to remove the marks of his circumcision. Was someone uncircumcised when he was called? He shouldn’t undergo circumcision. Being circumcised means nothing, and being uncircumcised means nothing; what does mean something is keeping God’s commandments.  Each person should remain in the condition he was in when he was called. Were you a slave when you were called? Well, don’t let it bother you; although if you can gain your freedom, take advantage of the opportunity.  For a person who was a slave when he was called is the Lord’s freedman; likewise, someone who was a free man when he was called is a slave of the Messiah.  You were bought at a price, so do not become slaves of other human beings.  Brothers, let each one remain with God in the condition in which he was called." 1 Corinthians 7.17-24

5. Question: Should a wife in a polygamous marriage who comes to know Christ give up her marriage? Answer: No. "Each person should remain in the condition he was in when he was called." 1 Corinthians 7.20

6. Question: What does the New Testament say about polygamy? Answer: Nothing. The closest scripture to that question is: "A congregation leader must be above reproach, he must be faithful to his wife." 1 Timothy 3.2. Generally, I maintain the position a minister should only keep one wife as ministers in the bible have done. 

7. Question: What does the New Testament teach about inter-racial marriage? Answer: It does not say anything. You are free to marry from any race. The only condition is:  "Do not yoke yourselves together in a team with unbelievers. For how can righteousness and lawlessness be partners? What fellowship does light have with darkness?  What harmony can there be between the Messiah and the wicked? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?  What agreement can there be between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God — as God said,“I will house myself in them, . . .and I will walk among you. I will be their God and they will be my people.” 2 Corinthians 6.14-16

8. Question: What is to happen to the marriage of people who got to marry as unbelievers but thereafter came to know Christ or became christians? Answer: "To the rest I say — I, not the Lord: if any brother has a wife who is not a believer, and she is satisfied to go on living with him, he should not leave her.  Also, if any woman has an unbelieving husband who is satisfied to go on living with her, she is not to leave him.  For the unbelieving husband has been set aside for God by the wife, and the unbelieving wife has been set aside for God by the brother — otherwise your children would be “unclean,” but as it is, they are set aside for God.  But if the unbelieving spouse separates himself, let him be separated. In circumstances like these, the brother or sister is not enslaved — God has called you to a life of peace.  For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?" 1 Corinthians 7.12-16

9. Question: Should christians defend themselves? Answer: You should, and must, defend yourself from danger from criminals and the violent and the lawless and non-state or non-government agents.  The bible allows self-defense: "The letters said that the king had granted the Jews in every city the right “to assemble and defend their lives by destroying, killing and exterminating any forces of any people or province that would attack them, their little ones or their women or would try to seize their goods as plunder  on the designated day in any of the provinces of King Ahasueros, namely, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar." Esther 8.11-12.  Read also : ""But the son of Paul's sister got wind of the planned ambush, and he went into the barracks and told Paul.  Paul called one of the officers and said, “Take this man up to the commander; he has something to tell him.” " Acts.23.16-17.  As well read. ""The commander let the young man go, cautioning him, “Don’t tell anyone that you have reported this to me.”  Then he summoned two of the captains and said, “Get two hundred infantry soldiers ready to leave for Caesarea at nine o’clock tonight, and seventy mounted cavalry and two hundred spearmen;  also provide replacements for Paul's horse when it gets tired; and bring him through safely to Felix the governor."" Acts.23.22-24. Recognize that what the bible prohibits is retaliating or taking vengeance. ""Never seek revenge, my friends; instead, leave that to God’s anger; for in the scripture it is written, “ The Lord says, ‘Vengeance is my responsibility; I will repay.’”" Romans 12.19. The bible does not prevent you from protecting yourself or what belongs to you or seeking redress. 

10. Question: How should you relate with non-believers, non-christians? Answer: Show them love but do not copy their ways. 

11. Question: Is there anything like generational curse? Answer:  No. “When those days come they will no longer say, ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.’ Rather, each will die for his own sin; every one who eats sour grapes, his own teeth will be set on edge." Jeremiah 31. 28-29

12. Question: Why are people teaching psychology, business, traditions, philosophy, personal opinions, and hear-says in the name of preaching christianity? Answer: God wants us to mature in the faith and so "We will then no longer be infants tossed about by the waves and blown along by every wind of teaching, at the mercy of people clever in devising ways to deceive". Ephesians 4.14

13. Question: Is it sinful to be poor? Answer: No. "Listen, my dear brothers, hasn’t God chosen the poor of the world to be rich in faith and to receive the Kingdom which he promised to those who love him?" James 2.5

14. Question:  Is it a curse to be poor? Answer: No. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor" Luke 4.18

15. Question: Are riches proof of God's favor on one's life? Answer: No. "Next, a word for the rich: weep and wail over the hardships coming upon you!  Your riches have rotted, and your clothes have become moth-eaten; your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat up your flesh like fire! This is the last days, and you have been storing up wealth!  Listen! The wages you have fraudulently withheld from the workers who mowed your fields are calling out against you, and the outcries of those who harvested have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabbath. You have led a life of luxury and self-indulgence here on earth — in a time of slaughter, you have gone on eating to your heart’s content. You have condemned, you have murdered the innocent; they have not withstood you. James 5.1-5

16. Question: Should you un-critically accept every teaching from the pulpit? Answer: No. Verify teachings. "Now the people here (in Berea) were of nobler character than the ones in Thessallonica; they eagerly welcomed the message, checking the scripture every day to see if the things Saul was saying were true." Acts.17.11

17. Question: Are you to trust somebody simply because he/she calls himself Christian or a minister? Answer: No. Test their claims. "And first, let them be tested; then, if they prove themselves blameless, let them be appointed." 1Tim.3.10

18. Question: Where should you go for guidance on living your life? Answer: The Bible at all times. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living;  thus anyone who belongs to God may be fully equipped for every good work." 2Timothy 3.16-17

19. Question: If I am sick, is it okay to take medication or seek medical advice or go to the hospital to be treated? Shouldn't I choose to rely on my "faith" to be healed and forget about human medicine? Answer: If you are sick and have knowledge of how to be healed of that sickness, Jesus expects you to take the steps that will get you healed. Of course, you should still trust God for your healing. “The things which are hidden belong to  our God. But the things that have been revealed belong to us and our children forever". Deuteronomy.29.28. It is when you do not know how to help yourself that you can wait for the supernatural help of healing or miracle.  

20. Question: What does the bible say about monetizing the gospel? What does it say about ministers who are always demanding money, insist on hefty donations, and never seem to be satisfied with money? Answer"They imagine that religion is a road to riches. Now true religion does bring great riches, but only to those who are content with what they have.  For we have brought nothing into the world; and we can take nothing out of it;  so if we have food and clothing, we will be satisfied with these.  Furthermore, those whose goal is to be rich fall into temptation; they get trapped in many foolish and hurtful ambitions which plunge them into ruin and destruction.  For the love of money is a root of all the evils; because of this craving, some people have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves to the heart with many pains." 1Timothy 6.5-10

"The word of  the LORD came to me: “Human being, prophesy against the shepherds of Isra’el. Prophesy! Tell them, the shepherds, that The LORD says this: ‘Woe to the shepherds of Isra’el who feed themselves! Shouldn’t the shepherds feed the sheep? Ezekiel 34.1-2

"In their greed they will exploit you with fabricated stories.Their punishment, decreed long ago, is not idle; their destruction is not asleep!" 2 Peter.2.3

"There are many, especially from the Circumcision faction, who are rebellious, who delude people’s minds with their worthless and misleading talk.  They must be silenced; because they are upsetting entire households by teaching what they have no business teaching, and doing it for the sake of dishonest gain." Titus 1.10-11

21. Question: How will God judge people who  have never heard of Jesus Christ and so never had the opportunity to believe in him? Answer: ""Then Peter addressed them: “I now understand that God does not play favorites,  but that whoever fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him, no matter what people he belongs to. " Acts 10.34-35

22. Question: Does the Bible condemn or prohibit abortion? Answer: Even though the Bible does not directly or specifically address abortion, this scripture does provide a guiding principle. "If people are fighting with each other and happen to hurt a pregnant woman so badly that her unborn child dies, then, even if no other harm follows, he must be fined. He must pay the amount set by the woman’s husband and confirmed by judges." Exodus.21.22. We learn from above scripture that the fetus must not be hurt or killed. In addition to that, I give my personal opinion that there may be situations where abortion would be in order. Some such cases would be medical necessity, forceful impregnation, etc. 

23. Question: Some people say "tithe was before the law" and add that Abraham paid. What do you say to this?

Answer: Take the time to read all of chapter 14 of Genesis which is what they are referring to and see for yourself what really happened here. 

First, Abraham had gone to war with just his friends and a few people against several strong kings and their armies and defeated them. These kings had previously conquered a confederacy of nations and seized their people and possessions including Lot, Abraham's nephew. 

Second, Abraham recovered his nephew and everything the enemy kings had taken. 

Third, the priest of God, Melchizedek, meets Abraham 

and gave him bread and wine and speaks to tell him God had delivered his enemies into his hands. 

Fourth, in response to the blessed encounter, out of his own freewill, Abraham took a portion of what God has given him from defeating his enemies and gave them to Melchizedek. 

This is not an example of "paying" tithe or anything. The scripture says he "gave." He gave talks of freewill. Abraham gave. He did not pay but gave. No one asked him to give. Melchizedek never requested anything from him. If anything, Melchizedek is who first gave to Abraham. 

In summary, there was not a tax called tithe before the law. Abraham was making a voluntary gift. This is the same manner God wants us to give today. You make a freewill decision to give and give what you choose to give. You can also choose not to give.

24. Question: Wasn't Jesus speaking about paying tithe when he said:  “Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees! You pay your tithes of mint, dill and cumin; but you have neglected the weightier matters of the Law— justice, mercy, faith. These are the things you should have attended to — without neglecting the others!"? Matt.23.23

Answer: This verse is not an instruction to anyone to pay tithe, and it is definitely not a teaching for Christians even though we can learn from it. 

Rather, it is a commentary on the religious practice of the Scribes and Pharisees and, by extension, the Jews and adherents of the Laws of Moses since the Scribes and the Pharisees were teachers of this way of worship. 

Jesus was saying they observed the less important practice of paying tithe but neglected the most important duty of keeping justice, mercy, and faith, according to the teaching of their religion, in this case, the Law of Moses. The Lord is pointing out to them the right way they should have practiced Judaism. 

Note that although this teaching is from Jesus, and is in the New Testament part of the Bible, he was actually speaking to adherents of the Law of Moses. He was not talking to the Christians. He was addressing the Scribes and the Pharisees, the Jews, keepers of the Laws of Moses. 

You can see here also that tithes were mint, dill, and cumin- all produce from the farm. Agricultural product. There is not any mention of gold or silver or coins or money.

25. Question: How can you show your love for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit?

Answer: “If you love me, you will keep my commands.” John 14.15

“Loving God means obeying his commands.” 1 John 5.3


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